Scarab Ring

Scarab Ring

Customer came to me with a lovely piece of very high quality Lapis Lazuli and wanted a special shape cut from it. 

I cut the shape and asked what she wanted done with the "scrap". She asked me to make an oval to make a ring for her.

I finished the special shape and customer was thrilled.

We then talked about what she wanted the ring to look like. She asked for the oval to be carved into a Scrab and for the ring to be brass (not gold) and very organic in feel.

She loved the concept and I completed it with a heavy brass band, a braided fence of brass, copper and silver wire to hold the stone secure and the 4 claws are carved with knuckle lines and long pointy finger nails (detail is hard to see without a magnifying loop).

What do you think? I love working on these custom projects with people. What can I make for you?

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